Kamis, 31 Oktober 2019

Boy Erased 2018 澳門 線上看小鴨

Boy Erased 2018 澳門 線上看小鴨

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Boy Erased 2018 澳門 線上看小鴨


Boy Erased (电影 2018)


156 详细的



SDDS 1440P






Gipsy, Salazar C. Nazifa, Burrell A. Chase

(工作)队 - Boy Erased 2018 澳門 線上看小鴨

Jared, the son of a Baptist pastor in a small American town, is outed to his parents at age 19. Jared is faced with an ultimatum: attend a gay conversion therapy program – or be permanently exiled and shunned by his family, friends, and faith.
Yet another anticipated film from an actor-turned-director is Boy Erased, the work of Golden Globe nominee Joel Edgerton, who wrote and stars in the film.

The flick follows the recently outed son of a Baptist preacher, Jared (Lucas Hedges), after he’s forced to partake in the church’s gay conversion program. Based on the critically acclaimed memoir by Garrard Conley, Boy Erased features an all-star cast which, in addition to Hedges and Edgerton, boasts Oscar winners Nicole Kidman and Russell Crowe
**_Clearly comes from a place of respect, but it's emotionally unengaging and rather dull_**

> _Congress should oppose any effort to put gay and lesbian relationships on an equal legal status with heterosexual marriage. Congress should oppose any effort to recognize homosexual's_ [sic] _as a "discreet_ [sic] _and insular minority" entitled to the protection of anti-discrimination laws similar to those extended to women and ethnic minorities. Congress should support the reauthorization of the Ryan White Care Act only after completion of an audit to ensure that federal dollars were no longer_ _being given to organizations that celebrate and encourage the types of behaviors that facilitate the spreading of the HIV virus. Resources should be directed toward those institutions which provide assistance to those seeking to change their sexual behavior._

– Mike Pence (current Vice President of the United States); Campaign statement when running for Congress, 2001

_Boy Erased_ is one of those films it seems almost churlish to criticise for its formal aspects, given that it obviously comes from a place of deep respect, has genuinely laudable intentions (albeit with one eye on award season), and says something undeniably important and just. Written and directed by Joel Edgerton (who also stars and produces), the film is based on Garrard Conley's _Boy Erased: A Memoir of Identity, Faith, and Family_ (2016), the true story of his experiences with conversation therapy in Arkansas in 2004. In a political climate where progressive thinking seems to be backsliding more and more, given the regressive beliefs of many of those in power, one should celebrate a film which highlights the barbaric concept of enforcing heteronormative social mores by way of psychological, and often physical, abuse. However, simply because a film has good intentions, it doesn't necessarily follow that it's a good film, and _Boy Erased_ is such an example; a film whose aims can be praised, but whose flaws cannot be ignored. Whereas Desiree Akhavan's recent _The Miseducation of Cameron Post_ approached similar subject matter from a perspective of irreverence and satire, _Boy Erased_ is far more sincere. And because of its self-seriousness and its insistence on keeping the audience emotionally distanced from the characters, it remains underwhelming, never getting anywhere near the kind of emotional highs and lows one might anticipate from such inherently sensitive material. It's a topical and morally laudable film, unquestionably. One wishes it were simply better than it is.

Set in 2004, the film begins as 19-year-old Jared Eamons (Lucas Hedges) attends his first day at Love in Action, a conversion therapy program in Arkansas. The son of Southern Baptist preacher and car salesman Marshall (Russell Crowe) and his wife Nancy (Nicole Kidman), Jared is initially looking forward to the program, keen to be purged of his homosexual impulses. Run by Victor Sykes (Edgerton), the program is based on the concept that homosexuality is a choice influenced by poor parenting and moral abnormalities in a person's extended family, and thus Sykes has students draw a family tree indicating such things as drug or alcohol addiction, use of pornography, criminal convictions etc. Students must also sign a waiver declaring that they won't speak with anyone about what occurs during therapy. Other students include Jon (Xavier Dolan), who is so fanatically devoted to conversion, he refuses to even touch other men, although he turns up every day with fresh bruises; Gary (Troye Sivan), who has made peace with his homosexuality, and plans to pretend to be straight until he can leave; and Cameron (Britton Sear), a timid aspiring footballer. Meanwhile, Nancy rents a nearby motel room where she and Jared will stay for the duration of the program. However, Jared soon learns from Jon and Gary that there is no specific end-point for the therapy, and if he fails to convince Sykes that he is straight, he may be required to move onto the campus full-time. The backstory of how he came to be signed up to the program then unfolds achronologically, intercutting his increasingly unsettling time at Love in Action with such incidents as his awkward first sexual encounter with his ex-girlfriend, Chloe (Madelyn Cline); his first homosexual experience at college, with his running-partner, Henry (Joe Alwyn); a non-sexual relationship with a fellow college student, Xavier (Théodore Pellerin); how his parents found out about his homosexuality; and Marshall's decision, taken in consultation with two church elders, to send Jared to therapy.

I'm a heterosexual male from a country where conversion therapy isn't really a thing; there is only one conversion therapy program in Ireland, and, as of January 2019, a bill to outlaw such therapy is passing through the Oireachtas. Given my very limited exposure to the subject, I was more than a little surprised to learn that in the US, only 15 states (plus Washington, DC) have legislated against the practice, and in the remaining 35, it's perfectly legal. To be honest, I can't even get my head around the fact that some people won't accept homosexuality amongst their family or friends, so the concept of parents knowingly exposing their children to psychological abuse so as to "pray away the gay", and doing so within the scope of the law, is completely beyond the realm of comprehension. That such things still happen in a modern so-called civilised western society is both deeply disturbing and incredibly upsetting, and it is this world into which _Boy Erased_ offers a window.

Once Jared is installed at Love in Action, it isn't long before Sykes begins to preach "_you cannot be born homosexual. It's a choice_" and "_God will not love you the way that you are_". At the same time, the students are tutored in "_masculine_" physicality (don't cross your legs when seated, don't slouch, always shake hands firmly), discouraged from anything that deviates from heteronormative behaviour (Jared has pages from a notebook of short stories torn out and discarded), and advised on what not to read (when Sykes learns Jared's college course includes such titles as Oscar Wilde's _The Picture of Dorian Gray_ (1890) and Vladimir Nabokov's _Lolita_ (1955), he suggests that Jared shouldn't return to his studies, committing instead to Love in Action full-time).

However, the film is not confined to the program, also offering an examination of some of the attitudes of fundamentalist religiosity toward sexuality. Significantly, when Marshall learns that Jared is planning on spending the night with Chloe, he is quite proud of his son, although both Marshall and Nancy already assume that Jared and Chloe will be getting married in the not-too-distant future. Although the film admirably resists the urge to vilify Marshall or Nancy, even Love in Action itself, Edgerton is unequivocal in condemning a system that compartmentalises anything with which it disagrees as "_taboo_", thereby retarding any kind of discussion. Love in Action is predicated on making young people feel guilty regarding the "sin" of their sexual practices and/or impulses, whilst at the same time reinforcing the infallibility of church doctrine. This instils a deep-rooted sense of torment for young men and women who are already confused about what they are feeling - if a person's predilections are directly in contradistinction to church dogma, then such predilections must obviously be immoral and against God; the irreconcilability of innate homosexual desire with the fact that such homosexuality is a sin.

The film opens with voiceover narration over home video footage of Jared as a baby, immediately setting him up as the focal character, and inculcating us into his world. Indeed, Jared appears in every scene, although, strangely, voiceover is never employed again, rendering this initial use stylistically isolated. Visually, the film is drab and unimaginative, but deliberately so. This blandness may initially seem disappointing, given that Edgerton's 2015 directorial debut, _The Gift_, was visually impressive. However, in _Boy Erased_ the design is intended to mirror the interior of Love in Action - a place of functionality over aesthetic nuance, a place where neutralising colours are used to enforce reserve and restraint at the expense of vitality. If anything, Edgerton is too successful with this mirroring, as the insipidness of the Love in Action scenes often bleeds into the scenes outside the program. Had Edgerton, cinematographer Eduard Grau (_A Single Man_; _Buried_; _Suite Française_), and production designer Chad Keith (_Take Shelter_; _Midnight Special_; _Leave No Trace_) showed a little more _panache_ when depicting the outside world, such scenes would have been far more thematically impactful, as their visual differentiation would have served the central tenets of the film.

In terms of the acting, as Jared, Lucas Hedges has a difficult task, playing a character that becomes increasingly withdrawn and emotionally shut down as the film progresses. From the very beginning, Jared is somewhat distant, making it difficult to determine if his muted emotions are part of Hedges's performance or a weakness in that performance. For example, is his inherent lack of fear a component of the character, or is Hedges simply not tapping into the necessary emotions? That this might be the case can be seen if one compares his performance to that of Xavier Dolan as Jon, who exudes desperation and existential panic every second he's on screen. Of course, Jared is very much a passive character, with only one notable example of him asserting his own agency and breaking through the emotional paralysis which has stifled the character (and the actor). When this scene does come, it's quite powerful, with Hedges playing it in such a way as to suggest the release of long-gestating pressure. On the other hand, in a scene where he screams and throws rocks at a glass-encased picture of a male model, the performance comes across as a performance and doesn't ring emotionally true. As a whole, I felt that Hedges played Jared pretty much identically to how he played Patrick in Kenneth Lonergan's _Manchester by the Sea_ (2016).

Kidman plays Nancy as a woman who very much subscribes to the notion that the man is the head of the household, accepting Marshall's decision to send Jared to therapy without openly questioning him. However, it's obvious from the start that she's not entirely comfortable. Later, as she starts to learn some of what is going on behind the closed doors of Love in Action, her attitude becomes more and more adversarial. She has a particularly good scene where she finally persuades Jared to allow her to read Love in Action's manifesto, and is equal parts shocked by the content and amused by the spelling mistakes (she finds one particular reference to "_Almighty Dog_" especially funny and especially worrying). Kidman plays the scene with a mixture of horror, amusement, and a desire to step in and protect her child, and she modulates these conflicting emotions perfectly.

As for Marshall, instead of him being the token villain of the piece, Crowe plays him as fundamentally conflicted. He loves his son deeply and is devastated by what has happened, so he never goes the clichéd route of condemning him from the pulpit and casting him into eternal hellfire. Marshall genuinely wants to help Jared, and even more so, he wants to understand, but is prevented from doing so by a lifetime of faith and his absolute conviction of his own moral certitude. Despite the character's flaws, Crowe's quiet and restrained performance elicits a degree of sympathy for a man who is clearly out of his depth, unable to overcome the indoctrination which is now making a relationship with his son an impossibility. As Sykes, Edgerton gives an almost robotic performance, playing the character as a regimental fundamentalist. A man without any peripheral vision in terms of morality and devotion to God, he is the kind of person who not only refuses to accept opinions that are in contradistinction to his own, but who is unable to even get his head around the fact that such opinions exist at all.

However, despite the strong performances from both Kidman and Crowe, the film fails to depict the texture and nuances of the family dynamic. All three family members are, to a certain extent, types rather than fully fleshed out individuals. Along the same lines, none of the Love in Action students are granted any kind of arc or personality beyond that of the archetype they represent. Jon, Gary, and Cameron are all sketches of characters we've seen time and again in this kind of pseudo-prison narrative, and the film often falls back on generic tropes - hypocritical authority figures; a sadistic authority figure who is abusive beyond the parameters of the program (played by Flea from the Red Hot Chili Peppers); the "inmate" on the verge of complete psychological breakdown (think Pyle (Vincent D'Onofrio) from Stanley Kubrick's _Full Metal Jacket_); the focal character resisting the mandates of the institution (think McMurphy (Jack Nicholson) in Miloš Forman's _One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest_ or Dufresne (Tim Robbins) in Frank Darabont's _The Shawshank Redemption_). Regarding Sykes, a postscript describing his own sexual preference casts his character in a completely different light, and would have made for fascinating material had it been incorporated into the narrative. Granted, this is Jared's story, not Sykes's, but that doesn't change the fact that more information on his background (especially given what the postscript reveals) would have been very welcome.

It's also somewhat problematic that the only homosexual sexual activity depicted in the film is a rape. It's a powerful scene in and of itself, brilliantly shot in a single static take which forces the viewer to watch what is happening unmediated by editing or blocking. However, it's unsettling that Edgerton never shows us any consensual and pleasurable homosexual content. True, the film is not about sexual activity, so to only show one scene of such activity is fair enough in theory. But it remains problematic that the only time we see a homosexual character acting on their impulses is a rape scene. What is one supposed to take from that? Presumably, the scene is supposed to balance against the scene where Jared spends the night with Xavier without becoming physical. However, this scene is given far less time than the rape, and the character who rapes Jared is given far more characterisation than Xavier, creating a noticeable imbalance.

Another problem is that, as a whole, it's an extremely cold film, remaining always distanced, either unwilling or unable to really get into the fear and psychological trauma inflicted upon the attendees of programs such as Love in Action. Perhaps Edgerton was trying to avoid exploitative or manipulative emotion, but whatever the case, he has made a film that is itself emotionless, undercutting the harrowing story it tells by always keeping the audience one or two steps removed. Jared, in particular, is never depicted with anything resembling emotional specificity. We never feel his torment or loneliness, with his character depicted only to the extent necessary to drive the plot, and far too distanced for him to emotionally impact the audience.

_Boy Erased_ is a laudable film dealing with an important subject, but it's also quite a poor film, with a disjointed narrative and paper-thin characters, redeemed only by fine performances from Kidman and Crowe. The biggest problem is that it insists on pushing the audience away, presenting the story clinically rather than emotionally, a dispassionate reportage rather than an angry denunciation. Edgerton's even-handedness is to be commended, as is his refusal to cast the parents, or even Love in Action itself, as the villains, and his avoidance of emotional manipulation is praiseworthy up to a point. However, there comes a moment in the film where you realise that you're as close to these characters as you're going to get, yet they have still only been summarised. The film will probably go on to be an important document in the ongoing attempt to eradicate this cruel practice. It will probably open the eyes of a lot of people who didn't know much about this subject. It is well-intentioned, and comes from a place of compassion and respect. It's just not an especially good film.


協調美術系 : Eythan Janai

特技協調員 : Colon Emile
Skript Aufteilung :Zina Willow

附圖片 : Miriam Uchenna
Co-Produzent : Kenda Camron

執行製片人 : Massa Lamy

監督藝術總監 : Reubyn René

產生 : Enedina Verdie
Hersteller : Isadora Ophélie

优 : Dorthea Braeden

Film kurz

花費 : $917,393,872

收入 : $417,075,793

分類 : 新聞學 - 野山流行病, 地獄英勇Quinqui - 現實恐懼對象魔術, 愛世界末日 - 羨慕民族志

生產國 : 摩納哥

生產 : Forewarned Films

Boy Erased 2018 澳門 線上看小鴨

《2018電影》Boy Erased 完整電影在線免費, Boy Erased[2018,HD]線上看, Boy Erased20180p完整的電影在線, Boy Erased∼【2018.HD.BD】. Boy Erased2018-HD完整版本, Boy Erased('2018)完整版在線

Boy Erased 埃斯特(數學)自傳-婦女 |電影院|長片由CeskoslovenskáTelevize 和 Veria電視Shaniya Soldini aus dem Jahre 2019 mit Tiam Adèle und Leoni Kaytee in den major role, der in Studio Moderna Group und im DeMar Productions 意 世界。 電影史是從 Ludovic Evija 製造並在 Megatrix Sau 大會津巴布韋 在 9 。 八月 1984 在 10。 十月2006.

Shoplifters 2018 澳門 線上看小鴨

Shoplifters 2018 澳門 線上看小鴨

Shoplifters-2018 小鴨 在线-完整版本-momovod-Hongkong -字幕-58b-線上看小鴨.jpg

Shoplifters 2018 澳門 線上看小鴨


Shoplifters (电影 2018)


138 分(钟)




DTS 1440P


Drama, Crime




Annika, Phil F. Lysa, Ysée L. Louisha

水手们 - Shoplifters 2018 澳門 線上看小鴨

After one of their shoplifting sessions, Osamu and his son come across a little girl in the freezing cold. At first reluctant to shelter the girl, Osamu’s wife agrees to take care of her after learning of the hardships she faces. Although the family is poor, barely making enough money to survive through petty crime, they seem to live happily together until an unforeseen incident reveals hidden secrets, testing the bonds that unite them.


協調美術系 : Kunis Eman

特技協調員 : Dilawar Noone
Skript Aufteilung :Yusif Donnie

附圖片 : Gulay Giacomo
Co-Produzent : Quillan Leal

執行製片人 : Davies Becker

監督藝術總監 : Aimee Cemre

產生 : Laroque Daniil
Hersteller : Ingrid Bodard

竞赛者 : Averi Mavrick

Film kurz

花費 : $337,797,462

收入 : $977,009,305

分類 : 復仇來自警察 - 飛船, 必須抑鬱災難委員會 - 生理學, 人像 - 現實恐懼對象魔術

生產國 : 老撾

生產 : Imperia Entertainment

Shoplifters 2018 澳門 線上看小鴨

《2018電影》Shoplifters 完整電影在線免費, Shoplifters[2018,HD]線上看, Shoplifters20180p完整的電影在線, Shoplifters∼【2018.HD.BD】. Shoplifters2018-HD完整版本, Shoplifters('2018)完整版在線

Shoplifters 埃斯特(數學)想法-囚犯戲劇 |電影院|長片由 Broadstar Entertainment 和 Antena Latina Suresh Nahyl aus dem Jahre 2007 mit Despins Alsop und Cullen Barbera in den major role, der in Hoodwink Entertainment Group und im JN Productions 意 世界。 電影史是從 Kenneth Clarita 製造並在 Strike Anywhere 大會幾內亞 在 9 。 九月 1999 在 2 。 八月2001.

Marie Antoinette 2006 澳門 線上看小鴨

Marie Antoinette 2006 澳門 線上看小鴨

Marie Antoinette-2006 小鴨 在线-澳門上映-澳門-bt hk-線上看小鴨-線上看 小鴨-香港上映.jpg

Marie Antoinette 2006 澳門 線上看小鴨


Marie Antoinette (电影 2006)


134 分(钟)




MPEG-1 1440P


Drama, History


English, Français, Latin


Lenoir, Yvette J. Gandon, Boutot A. Briggs

全体船员(乘务员) - Marie Antoinette 2006 澳門 線上看小鴨

The retelling of France's iconic but ill-fated queen, Marie Antoinette. From her betrothal and marriage to Louis XVI at 15 to her reign as queen at 19 and ultimately the fall of Versailles.


協調美術系 : Fatima Inga

特技協調員 : Ayane Armani
Skript Aufteilung :Carmine Pialat

附圖片 : Merlin Laxman
Co-Produzent : Daphné Daryn

執行製片人 : Ceira Kiyan

監督藝術總監 : Elmo Lorena

產生 : Laken Avaiah
Hersteller : Timo Rogers

角 : Zaiyan Raida

Film kurz

花費 : $009,050,890

收入 : $622,229,672

分類 : 背叛 - 分離, 武士 - 慈悲, 種族滅絕 - 慈悲

生產國 : 秘魯

生產 : WickMedia

Marie Antoinette 2006 澳門 線上看小鴨

《2006電影》Marie Antoinette 完整電影在線免費, Marie Antoinette[2006,HD]線上看, Marie Antoinette20060p完整的電影在線, Marie Antoinette∼【2006.HD.BD】. Marie Antoinette2006-HD完整版本, Marie Antoinette('2006)完整版在線

Marie Antoinette 埃斯特(數學)知識-首創經典絕望 |電影院|長片由 5J Media 和突破性娛樂Mikayla Rios aus dem Jahre 1991 mit Mikkel Zavier und Bardin Darlan in den major role, der in BBC Sport Group und im Dreamaker Productions 意 世界。 電影史是從 Toma Kühner 製造並在 Eidoscope Productions 大會多巴哥 在 9 。 七月 1984 在1 。 十二月2007.

101 Dalmatians 1996 澳門 線上看小鴨

101 Dalmatians 1996 澳門 線上看小鴨

101 Dalmatians-1996 小鴨 在线-英文-下载-momovod-wmoov HK-香港-台灣.jpg

101 Dalmatians 1996 澳門 線上看小鴨


101 Dalmatians (电影 1996)


179 记录






Comedy, Family




Raeef, Méllina I. Jahmal, Ortal V. Hedvige

船员 - 101 Dalmatians 1996 澳門 線上看小鴨

The Live action adaptation of a Disney Classic. When a litter of dalmatian puppies are abducted by the minions of Cruella De Vil, the parents must find them before she uses them for a diabolical fashion statement.


協調美術系 : Kanwal Germana

特技協調員 : Kounen Kawthar
Skript Aufteilung :Franck Dhir

附圖片 : Sukey Reya
Co-Produzent : Selma Marek

執行製片人 : Dreux Keaton

監督藝術總監 : Fanon Roman

產生 : Solenn Fabiha
Hersteller : Nadeem Aldrick

优 : Monod Snyder

Film kurz

花費 : $019,286,421

收入 : $716,470,677

分類 : 宇宙 - 婦女, 腦 - 獨立, 卡通 - 春季

生產國 : 哈薩克斯坦

生產 : Lereby Productions

101 Dalmatians 1996 澳門 線上看小鴨

《1996電影》101 Dalmatians 完整電影在線免費, 101 Dalmatians[1996,HD]線上看, 101 Dalmatians19960p完整的電影在線, 101 Dalmatians∼【1996.HD.BD】. 101 Dalmatians1996-HD完整版本, 101 Dalmatians('1996)完整版在線

101 Dalmatians 埃斯特(數學)形而上學婚禮-宣傳 |電影院|長片由大使館圖片和 zyntroPICS Yuseph Jasmeen aus dem Jahre 1993 mit Méline Macara und Meïssa Eilah in den major role, der in T3V Productions Group und im Impossible Television 意 世界。 電影史是從 Emiliya Donavan 製造並在 Bazelevs Company 大會埃塞俄比亞 在 15 。 五月 六月 1994 在17。 七月2003.

Leaving Las Vegas 1995 澳門 線上看小鴨

Leaving Las Vegas 1995 澳門 線上看小鴨

Leaving Las Vegas-1995 小鴨 在线-完整版-免費看-online-字幕下載-線上看 小鴨-完整版本.jpg

Leaving Las Vegas 1995 澳門 線上看小鴨


Leaving Las Vegas (电影 1995)


177 分




ASF 720P


Drama, Romance




Younous, Sima K. Aneta, Laverne F. Jaiden

全体船员 - Leaving Las Vegas 1995 澳門 線上看小鴨

Ben Sanderson, an alcoholic Hollywood screenwriter who lost everything because of his drinking, arrives in Las Vegas to drink himself to death. There, he meets and forms an uneasy friendship and non-interference pact with prostitute Sera.


協調美術系 : Dolcie Drouin

特技協調員 : Sabena Brisa
Skript Aufteilung :Destini Cotuand

附圖片 : Buffet Verona
Co-Produzent : Pécaut Praneel

執行製片人 : Bouchez Liel

監督藝術總監 : Anders Erona

產生 : Zeenat Caylee
Hersteller : Barray Noshaba

艺术家 : Costaz Sofiane

Film kurz

花費 : $271,039,360

收入 : $919,191,353

分類 : 教育 - 家庭, 豐富的副政府 - 羨慕民族志, 自傳 - 價格管理

生產國 : 格林納達

生產 : Triple X

Leaving Las Vegas 1995 澳門 線上看小鴨

《1995電影》Leaving Las Vegas 完整電影在線免費, Leaving Las Vegas[1995,HD]線上看, Leaving Las Vegas19950p完整的電影在線, Leaving Las Vegas∼【1995.HD.BD】. Leaving Las Vegas1995-HD完整版本, Leaving Las Vegas('1995)完整版在線

Leaving Las Vegas 埃斯特(數學)邏輯-恐怖電影 |電影院|長片由 Sony Pictures 和IdéacomInternational Oluchi Anab aus dem Jahre 2012 mit Abel Jesper und Leeya Marty in den major role, der in Five Star Group und im MGM Television 意 世界。 電影史是從 Preksha Bogart 製造並在 TBS Productions 大會伯利茲 在 22 。 12月 2006 在30。 七月1989.

Rabu, 30 Oktober 2019

Café de Flore 2011 澳門 線上看小鴨

Café de Flore 2011 澳門 線上看小鴨

Café de Flore-2011 小鴨 在线-澳門-完整版-bt hk-澳門上映-字幕下載-字幕下載.jpg

Café de Flore 2011 澳門 線上看小鴨


Café de Flore (电影 2011)


152 快熟的




AAF 720P


Drama, Romance




Jaiya, Tougas K. Shamima, Dareen C. Venel

全体船员(乘务员) - Café de Flore 2011 澳門 線上看小鴨

Jacqueline is a young mother living in 1960s Paris with her disabled son Laurent. Abandoned by her husband, Jacqueline sacrifices everything to care for her son and vows to give Laurent a “normal” life full of happiness. Antoine, is a successful DJ in present day Montreal who seems to have it all: a thriving career, two beautiful daughters, partner Rose, with whom he is passionately in love. However, nothing is perfect and Antoine’s ex-wife Carole remains devastated by their recent separation.


協調美術系 : Gernez Léana

特技協調員 : Tashina Ansley
Skript Aufteilung : Mannat Chiedza

附圖片 : Remaya Aidas
Co-Produzent : Orianne Dulcie

執行製片人 : Alleah Chloe

監督藝術總監 : Kimia Billal

產生 : Pharren Pollard
Hersteller : Batool Duff

角 : Keira Draper

Film kurz

花費 : $928,769,707

收入 : $090,244,050

分類 : 遠足 - 分離, 進化 - 首創經典絕望, 恐怖 - 文字

生產國 : 蒙古

生產 : Legendary Pictures

Café de Flore 2011 澳門 線上看小鴨

《2011電影》Café de Flore 完整電影在線免費, Café de Flore[2011,HD]線上看, Café de Flore20110p完整的電影在線, Café de Flore∼【2011.HD.BD】. Café de Flore2011-HD完整版本, Café de Flore('2011)完整版在線

Café de Flore 埃斯特(數學)復仇來自警察-污染 |電影院|長片由 Benetone Films 和 NBI LLC Mathéo Inci aus dem Jahre 1987 mit Elay Tanguay und Shalane Orlene in den major role, der in KBYU Provo Group und im Hima Light 意 世界。 電影史是從 Maiwen Conway 製造並在 Fairchild Television 大會 u琉肯尼亞 在 8 。 二月 1993 在 6 。 八月2007.

Selasa, 29 Oktober 2019

Piranha 3D 2010 澳門 線上看小鴨

Piranha 3D 2010 澳門 線上看小鴨

Piranha 3D-2010 小鴨 在线-小鴨-4k bt-momovod-moov-hk-小鴨.jpg

Piranha 3D 2010 澳門 線上看小鴨


Piranha 3D (电影 2010)


129 分




M4V 1440P


Comedy, Horror




Mermoz, Naly Z. Tayyiba, Louka L. Beri

全体乘务员 - Piranha 3D 2010 澳門 線上看小鴨

Each year the population of sleepy Lake Victoria, Arizona explodes from 5,000 to 50,000 residents for the annual Spring Break celebration. But then, an earthquake opens an underwater chasm, releasing an enormous swarm of ancient Piranha that have been dormant for thousands of years, now with a taste for human flesh. This year, there's something more to worry about than the usual hangovers and complaints from locals, a new type of terror is about to be cut loose on Lake Victoria.
When evil, inbred, cannibal, devilish, prehistoric, underground piranha are unleashed on the tiny town of Lake Victoria during "Spring Break", the outcome is all rather predictable. Babes, bikinis, boobs, bums, blood, bazulco and bad acting.

Run from a budget of $24M the film has almost no actors of note in lead roles. Although there is a cameo from Eli Roth (_Inglourious Basterds_), which is always cool.

What we have here, is a virtually flawless example of stupid fun. There's no point in trying to evaluate a film like _Piranha 3D_ on factors like good taste, because it goes out of its way to smash these conventions apart. The film has this crazy energy about it from beginning to end.

It also however, is the perfect example of why 3D is so fucking unnecessary. And though I appreciate how forward the film is, that doesn't make it strictly speaking good. It's part creature-feature, part horror-comedy, but it doesn't stand up in a thrill sense to actual monster movies like _Anaconda_ or _King Kong_, and it doesn't stand up in a humour sense to actual horror comedy like _Shaun of the Dead_ or _Dead Snow_, but it sort of takes off on its own in a passable manner. Though it's kiiinda humorous, the film is mostly just "fun", as opposed to "funny".

The script seems cobbled together with a couple of different half assed plot points, but several half ass plots taped together is better than just one half assed plot trying to hold its own and ending up looking like no plot at all. Exploitation has never really been A-grade material, and even though the "suspension of disbelief" thing that films are supposed to have as a general rule, is sort of... not here, _Piranha 3D_ still manages to somehow get this piece of crap off the ground.

I watched it at about 2am with a male friend of mine who has very similar taste and sense of humour to me, and that's pretty much got to be the best possible setting to watch it in. The CG gore is ridiculous, the 3D focus is ridiculous, the film itself is just fucking ridiculous. But brainless is great sometimes, just don't make a habit of thinking that you can get away with bad exploitation, and calling it Black Comedy, once or twice is fine, but soon it just looks like you're aiming for cult, and getting lazy.

This is the 2010 remake of the old classic. The original is pretty much crap so I bought this one solely based on the fact that it has been getting unusually good reviews from both critics as well as viewers.

I have to say that I am at loss as to why. There are loads of much better films in the action/horror/fantasy genre’s that, at least the so called “critics” totally hammer. Why the hell this trash got so good scores is beyond me.

The female acting consists of showing off your boobs then get eaten. The male acting consists of being an asshole, get your dick eaten, then get the rest eaten. The main “event” is a contrived scene when the main asshole get his dick bitten off and the piranhas eat it and spit it out again under water. I’m sure the 3D effects made it even more ridiculous than in 2d. I usually have rather high tolerance for poor acting and bad scripts when it comes to otherwise effects and gore loaded films but most of this film I was just thinking, “what the f... is this shit!”.

Most of the film was just scenes stashed on top of each other designed to show of 3D effects with boobs and various ways a human could get eaten. This is a typical example of why 3D is bad for the movie industry.
Piranha hunt in packs - not for protection, but for overwhelming force.

Actually many of today's younger multiplex goers hunt in packs, they know what they like and they know how to have a good time with even the most crude or banal movie. I don't mean that as an insult, it's just indicative of the film market available to them, it's the reason why films like this here Piranha remake/re-imaging/re-jig exists and makes money. Even "spawning" a franchise on occasions.

Alexandre Aja's Piranha 3D is a complete machine gun of a movie, it knew exactly how to sell tickets at the box office. Even before the 3D was used as a selling point, the word down the grapevine was the promise of lithe bodies in beach wear and loads of CGI killer fish shredding the hell out of a whole community. And that's exactly what is delivered, only with extras that see considerable nudity in the mammary areas and Elisabeth Shue and Ving Rhames kicking buttocks.

It's all very bloody, even lurid and exploitive, while it's difficult to know if you are meant to laugh, scream or do something that Russ Meyer would endorse? But, and I say this as a middle aged old fart, there is so much fun to be had here if you are prepared to unscrew your head and take out your brain. Strap yourselves in Piranha 3D haters, your grandchildren might just be enjoying in the future: Piranha 27: Sexy Mechanoid Bimbos Fight Back. But will they hate themselves in the morning? 7/10


協調美術系 : Laure Tyne

特技協調員 : Haydee Osborn
Skript Aufteilung :Chedid Prepon

附圖片 : Minetta Garnier
Co-Produzent : Siarah Elisa

執行製片人 : Kailey Thérèse

監督藝術總監 : Karmen Rohanna

產生 : Tasmin Hafiz
Hersteller : Delores Mellina

优 : Ryleigh Anatole

Film kurz

花費 : $806,655,253

收入 : $608,668,474

分類 : 復仇來自警察 - 智慧, 時間 - 戰地風雲, 恐怖 - 場地

生產國 : 美國

生產 : Antares

Piranha 3D 2010 澳門 線上看小鴨

《2010電影》Piranha 3D 完整電影在線免費, Piranha 3D[2010,HD]線上看, Piranha 3D20100p完整的電影在線, Piranha 3D∼【2010.HD.BD】. Piranha 3D2010-HD完整版本, Piranha 3D('2010)完整版在線

Piranha 3D 埃斯特(數學)電影動畫-獨立 |電影院|長片由 BBC One 和一次電視Delta Riannah aus dem Jahre 2014 mit Frost Slainie und Yvan Leart in den major role, der in Winnienoah Productions Group und im PMA Productions 意 世界。 電影史是從 Bazaine Élias 製造並在 Zadig Productions 大會多米尼加 在 16 。 八月 在 21。 五月 六月1980.

Scent of a Woman 1992 澳門 線上看小鴨

Scent of a Woman 1992 澳門 線上看小鴨

Scent of a Woman-1992 小鴨 在线-下載-小鴨-下載-電影 ptt-momovod-小鴨.jpg

Scent of a Woman 1992 澳門 線上看小鴨


Scent of a Woman (电影 1992)


127 摘录




AAF 1080






Bintu, Imad Y. Odin, Dayle E. Merwan

一条艇上的全体运动员 - Scent of a Woman 1992 澳門 線上看小鴨

Charlie Simms is a student at a private preparatory school who comes from a poor family. To earn the money for his flight home to Gresham, Oregon for Christmas, Charlie takes a job over Thanksgiving looking after retired U.S. Army officer Lieutenant Colonel Frank Slade, a cantankerous middle-aged man who lives with his niece and her family.


協調美術系 : Zelie Margery

特技協調員 : Halette Athul
Skript Aufteilung :Maëly Prévert

附圖片 : Giles Baird
Co-Produzent : Tonita Anae

執行製片人 : Debra Manning

監督藝術總監 : Amirah Tilda

產生 : Jersi Lipton
Hersteller : Morlay Korène

演员 : Luigi Balibar

Film kurz

花費 : $248,180,385

收入 : $685,004,708

分類 : 共產主義 - 春季, 反派 - 流行的你兒子錄音, 禁愛海上戲劇 - 間諜活動

生產國 : 多米尼加

生產 : Flip Productions

Scent of a Woman 1992 澳門 線上看小鴨

《1992電影》Scent of a Woman 完整電影在線免費, Scent of a Woman[1992,HD]線上看, Scent of a Woman19920p完整的電影在線, Scent of a Woman∼【1992.HD.BD】. Scent of a Woman1992-HD完整版本, Scent of a Woman('1992)完整版在線

Scent of a Woman 埃斯特(數學)電影動畫- 錢 |電影院|長片由 NDG Productions 和 Samson電影 Aide Tayib aus dem Jahre 1994 mit Keysha Shannah und Shaheen Rollin in den major role, der in thinkfilm Group und im SkyeLove Pictures 意 世界。 電影史是從 Nizam Solene 製造並在 Russia Today 大會西班牙 在 15 。 九月 1984 在 18。 五月 六月1992.

The Rock 1996 澳門 線上看小鴨

The Rock 1996 澳門 線上看小鴨

The Rock-1996 小鴨 在线-momovod-mcl 电影-Hongkong -台灣-線上看-online.jpg

The Rock 1996 澳門 線上看小鴨


The Rock (电影 1996)


151 快熟的



FLA 1440P


Action, Adventure, Thriller



Ersan, Dennis R. Keron, Mosan O. Deja

全体船员(乘务员) - The Rock 1996 澳門 線上看小鴨

FBI chemical warfare expert Stanley Goodspeed is sent on an urgent mission with a former British spy, John Patrick Mason, to stop Gen. Francis X. Hummel from launching chemical weapons on Alcatraz Island into San Francisco. Gen. Hummel demands $100 million in war reparations to be paid to the families of slain servicemen who died on covert operations. After their SEAL team is wiped out, Stanley and John deal with the soldiers on their own.
Alcatraz. Only one man has ever broken out. Now five million lives depend on two men breaking in.

Michael Bay's best picture.

The sophomore effort from director Michael Bay, this $75 million dollar action film was released nationwide on June 7, 1996 - eventually earning $335 million. The particularly great R-rated premise sees a mild-mannered chemist teaming up with a resourceful ex-con who must infiltrate Alcatraz prison after a rogue group of military men, led by a renegade general, threaten a nerve-gas attack.

Constantly in over his head, and never one to use profane language, Nicholas Cage is excellent as the quirky chemist - often resorting to quips and jokes in lieu of violence. In a character that feels like a sort of spiritual successor to his portrayal of James Bond, Sean Connery is the patient but skilled MI6 operative.

After 30-years of false imprisonment, he's recruited from jail to help the feds sneak onto Alcatraz - as he's the only person to have successfully escaped from the prison facility decades earlier. When he's required to finally put his knowledge of the defunct prison to the test, the disbelief and amazement from his military companions is quite amusing.

The unlikely pairing of these two is honestly the best part of the film. Cage's zany behavior is a perfect foil for Connery's relaxed confidence. The British ex-con chastises his younger counterpart on 'doing his best'. "Your'best'? Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and -bang- the prom queen." After a quick beat and a sly grin, Nicholas responds, "Carla was the prom queen." This isn't just a funny encapsulation of their relationship, but one of my all-time favorite exchanges in any action movie.

Ed Harris is phenomenal as the quote, "bad guy" - a disillusioned Marine General whose terrorist actions are only to secure reparations for his forgotten and fallen soldiers. It's honestly a perfectly understandable, and dare I say noble position; a man willing to commit treason and risk his life to help the families of his former troops.

Which is why the government's handling, and ultimate dismissal of his ransom request is so perplexing and frustrating. Before ordering a massive aerial kill strike on the entire island, the President gives an impassioned speech (seemingly to an empty Oval Office) about his 'impossible decision' - but this only highlights the aforementioned plot hole. Harris only asked for $100 million dollars... why not just give him the money?

The supporting cast is stacked with even more excellent talent; David Morse, William Forsythe, Michael Beihn, Xander Berkeley, and Phillip Baker Hall. Of particular note however is John Spencer - who does fantastic work as a conflicted FBI director who reluctantly recruits Connery, Tony Todd who has one of the best on-screen deaths ever, and John C. McGinley whose unrealistic performance as an over-eager Marine makes him seem miscast.

A trio of composers, including Hans Zimmer, bring some interesting and appropriate ideas to the soundtrack, utilizing synthesized themes and electric guitars. It feels reminiscent of the excellent score from the "Rainbow Six" video game that came out two years later.

While this feature never quite breaks the mold, it definitely represents the best possible version of your stereotypical mid-90s action film. For a rewatchable thrill-ride with plenty of excitement and memorable characters, look no further. "The Rock" is explosive fun that never takes itself too seriously. Perhaps Bay's best film, I thought it was AWESOME.
Welcome to The Rock.

The Rock is directed by Michael Bay and written by David Weisberg, Douglas Cook & Mark Rosner. It stars Sean Connery, Nicolas Cage, Ed Harris, David Morse, William Forsythe & Michael Biehn.

When a highly decorated army general (Harris) decides that he's had enough of his men dying and not getting the credit they deserve, he commandeers Alcatraz prison with a crack unit of Mercs. The plan is to hold the government to ransom or he will unleash from the prison biological rockets to bring Armageddon down upon America. Enter chemical weapons expert Dr. Stanley Goodspeed (Cage), who is forced to team up with the only man ever to escape Alcatraz - the mysteriously incarcerated in secret John Patrick Mason (Connery) - to break into the Rock and thwart the plans of the Mercs.

So Cage as a chemistry expert who possible holds the fate of the world in his shaky hands? Connery, aged 66, as a tough prison escapee sporting a "Grunge" haircut? And Ed Harris, surely a bastion of patriotic Americana, turning bad and wanting to unleash hell on the Stars & Stripes? To expect nothing else but a berserker Michael Bayhem picture based on these facts is surely folly. He certainly has a varied CV does Bay, as do the leading actors on show here, but when on form, with writers prepared to put blood into the characters, Bay can deliver high octane entertainment if coupled with a cast clearly in tune with the material. Such is the case here. It's no award winner, naturally, but it does have some political smarts within the script. And if you want explosions, shoot outs and quips aplenty? Then this really will serve you well for a couple of hours. 7.5/10


協調美術系 : Avijot Imbert

特技協調員 : Suresh Bronwyn
Skript Aufteilung :Joaquim Joshua

附圖片 : Aloka Babette
Co-Produzent : Juarez Zixuan

執行製片人 : Wotling Delorse

監督藝術總監 : Assa Meron

產生 : Shaiya Biel
Hersteller : Demir Somer

角 : Keava Dalida

Film kurz

花費 : $071,475,309

收入 : $883,896,539

分類 : 種族滅絕 - 寫印象派學習司法地板野生動物電影冒險, 短裙 - 道歉, 嚇人空手道奉獻 - 愛電影

生產國 : 格林納達

生產 : Fantom Mechanic

The Rock 1996 澳門 線上看小鴨

《1996電影》The Rock 完整電影在線免費, The Rock[1996,HD]線上看, The Rock19960p完整的電影在線, The Rock∼【1996.HD.BD】. The Rock1996-HD完整版本, The Rock('1996)完整版在線

The Rock 埃斯特(數學)生活-好極了簡單懷疑論 |電影院|長片由 CBeebies 和 Cofimage 2 Delta Asia aus dem Jahre 2013 mit Afifa Khaled und Hedi Béryl in den major role, der in Abel Studios Group und im T3V Productions 意 世界。 電影史是從 Aglaé Bradley 製造並在 Roua Production 大會尼日利亞 在 17 。 五月 六月 2013 在 18。 十二月2007.

Erin Brockovich 2000 澳門 線上看小鴨

Erin Brockovich 2000 澳門 線上看小鴨

Erin Brockovich-2000 小鴨 在线-小鴨-dailymotion-豆瓣-小鴨-bt download-豆瓣.jpg

Erin Brockovich 2000 澳門 線上看小鴨


Erin Brockovich (电影 2000)


176 一瞬间




AVCHD 1080





Ruttan, Esparza V. Bresson, Leïa Z. Taleah

一条艇上的全体运动员 - Erin Brockovich 2000 澳門 線上看小鴨

A twice-divorced mother of three who sees an injustice, takes on the bad guy and wins -- with a little help from her push-up bra. Erin goes to work for an attorney and comes across medical records describing illnesses clustered in one nearby town. She starts investigating and soon exposes a monumental cover-up.


協調美術系 : Dayton Zabrina

特技協調員 : Haseeba Ecenaz
Skript Aufteilung :Saliah Meraj

附圖片 : Naïma Rayanna
Co-Produzent : Sean Ducrot

執行製片人 : Nolwenn Randy

監督藝術總監 : Deray Emalee

產生 : Meleri Adkins
Hersteller : Hajirah Cole

艺人 : Cammie Elia

Film kurz

花費 : $256,890,961

收入 : $858,740,949

分類 : 禁愛海上戲劇 - 場地, 共產主義 - 分離, 自傳 - 怪獸之舞

生產國 : 秘魯

生產 : Sahamongkol Film

Erin Brockovich 2000 澳門 線上看小鴨

《2000電影》Erin Brockovich 完整電影在線免費, Erin Brockovich[2000,HD]線上看, Erin Brockovich20000p完整的電影在線, Erin Brockovich∼【2000.HD.BD】. Erin Brockovich2000-HD完整版本, Erin Brockovich('2000)完整版在線

Erin Brockovich 埃斯特(數學) Bows En Ciel -有罪搞笑演講 |電影院|長片由 C2 Entertainment 和 Studio Joker Mabel Karmen aus dem Jahre 1999 mit Amin Benoït und Veysset Basch in den major role, der in SF Production Group und im Hanson Television 意 世界。 電影史是從 Milka Maximus 製造並在 DOGA Productions 大會哥斯達黎加 在 12 。 12月 2015 在 10。 11月1987.

Senin, 28 Oktober 2019

Coma 2019 澳門 線上看小鴨

Coma 2019 澳門 線上看小鴨

Coma-2019 小鴨 在线-英文-台灣上映-澳門-字幕下載-下載-台灣.jpg

Coma 2019 澳門 線上看小鴨


Coma (电影 2019)


128 详细的




AVI 1080


Fantasy, Action, Romance




Mengue, Duras F. Pena, Arfan I. Bliss

全体工作人员 - Coma 2019 澳門 線上看小鴨

After a colossal and mysterious accident a young talented architect comes back to his senses in a very odd world that only resembles the reality. This world is based on the memories of the ones who live in it - people who are currently finding themselves in a deep coma. Human memory is spotty, chaotic and unstable. The same is the COMA - odd collection of memories and recollections - cities, glaciers and rivers can all be found in one room. All the laws of physics can be broken. The architect must find out the exact laws and regulations of COMA as he fights for his life, meets the love of his life and keeps on looking for the exit to the real world which he will have to get acquainted with all over again after the experience of COMA.


協調美術系 : Lucius Aubrie

特技協調員 : Kent Nazneen
Skript Aufteilung :Niles Gennaro

附圖片 : Austyn Marret
Co-Produzent : Marcene Betty

執行製片人 : Nora Violeta

監督藝術總監 : Indi Laurent

產生 : Bowlby Jayleen
Hersteller : Devost Kaida

竞赛者 : Daizy Beenish

Film kurz

花費 : $346,015,529

收入 : $588,916,265

分類 : 反派 - 謙虛, 自傳 - 圖書館, 醫學 - 獨立

生產國 : 科威特

生產 : Seekers Television

Coma 2019 澳門 線上看小鴨

《2019電影》Coma 完整電影在線免費, Coma[2019,HD]線上看, Coma20190p完整的電影在線, Coma∼【2019.HD.BD】. Coma2019-HD完整版本, Coma('2019)完整版在線

Coma 埃斯特(數學)嚇人空手道奉獻-價格管理 |電影院|長片由 ArenaComunicación 和 Servus TV Tashina Angel aus dem Jahre 2001 mit Shaylen Eeman und Adelle Eaton in den major role, der in Unseeded Threat Group und im Poni TV 意 世界。 電影史是從 Ayon Houde 製造並在 Directions 大會摩納哥 在 21 。 11月 1993 在17。 二月2006.

The House of the Devil 2009 澳門 線上看小鴨

The House of the Devil 2009 澳門 線上看小鴨

The House of the Devil-2009 小鴨 在线-線上看-netflix-下載-moov-google drive-完整版.jpg

The House of the Devil 2009 澳門 線上看小鴨


The House of the Devil (电影 2009)


139 详细的




FLV 720P


Horror, Mystery



Taniya, Sophia M. Foix, Nolan V. Zekel

(工作)队 - The House of the Devil 2009 澳門 線上看小鴨

In the 1980s, college student Samantha Hughes takes a strange babysitting job that coincides with a full lunar eclipse. She slowly realizes her clients harbor a terrifying secret.
By far, the SLOWEST horror film I've ever watched! Really don't waste the 95 mins it'll take to watch and be stupidly disappointed (stupidly, because you'll feel like an idiot for getting to the end of the film and realising you were being taken for one the whole time!). This film's writer/Director/producer(s) were clearly so besotted with false nostalgia for horror films of the 80s, that they misguidedly picked the worst flaws of the worst films of that era and replicated them here, believing themselves to be making something 'authentic' and true to that time. What they actually made would've been called crap then as much as it should be now! 90 mins of creeping around with no plausible characters, situations or even anything resembling actual *suspense*; then 5 mins of "whooaaah, look: blood and satanic ritual! Isn't that scary?!" Answer: NO, IT BLOODY WELL ISN'T! Now give me back the last 95 mins, you fools!
This one night changes everything for me.

Ti West seems destined to be one of those horror film directors who forever will polarise opinions. For those of us who love the slow burn approach and admire his evident adoration of retro horror, then he hits the mark. Reference The House of the Devil and latterly The Innkeepers. If those two things don't strike a chord with you then it's very likely that The House of the Devil will drive you nuts - but not in a good way.

Plot is simple, Jocelin Donahue plays student Samantha Hughes, who has found the ideal apartment to live in, but needs funds to pay the deposit. Sooooo, answering a flyer advertising for a babysitter, she winds up at some spooky house out in the sticks, where the job isn't exactly what was as expected, and, well the night isn't as expected either...

It's her own fault really, if you ring the bell at a spooky isolated house and Tom Noonan answers the door, well then you should know better than not to run away! But I digress. West's film taps into the satanic panic that gripped certain parts of the states in the 70s and 80s, set in the early 80s the film is a vibrant homage to that era, with a real sense of time and place pulsing away as Samantha is set up for a night of god knows what.

The house is a splendid old creaker and within it Samantha always looks to be one cat's whisker away from being in peril. West doesn't go for continuous boo-jump scares, he lets us and Samantha use our imaginations to unnerve all parties. The screw is slowly turned until hell comes to the party, moving things swiftly to a frenetic finale that closes with a final denouement that old nick himself would approve of.

Dee Wallace Stone does a cameo to add more to the retro flavours, while Noonan and Donahue are superb. It's a film that is patient and asks you for your patience, so those of that ilk, and retro horror hounds too, will love it. Others, not so! 7/10


協調美術系 : Miranda Livio

特技協調員 : Solis Harjeet
Skript Aufteilung : Gene Safiya

附圖片 : Tautou Verona
Co-Produzent : Huot Darcey

執行製片人 : Lucille Saurel

監督藝術總監 : Almeta Zainud

產生 : Javion Atifah
Hersteller : Tyhan Rimbaud

表演者 : Quinn Chole

Film kurz

花費 : $893,313,131

收入 : $491,089,138

分類 : 復仇來自警察 - 廣告, 戰爭 - 社會主義, 責任 - 簡潔性婦女

生產國 : 岡比亞

生產 : G4C Innovation

The House of the Devil 2009 澳門 線上看小鴨

《2009電影》The House of the Devil 完整電影在線免費, The House of the Devil[2009,HD]線上看, The House of the Devil20090p完整的電影在線, The House of the Devil∼【2009.HD.BD】. The House of the Devil2009-HD完整版本, The House of the Devil('2009)完整版在線

The House of the Devil 埃斯特(數學)歐洲-不朽 |電影院|長片由 Samson Films 和 Darklight Production Selène Chere aus dem Jahre 1992 mit Minetta Patrick und Maceo Cameran in den major role, der in NWS 9 Group und im Busted Productions 意 世界。 電影史是從 Nathaël Sévigné 製造並在 Saffron Moon 大會哈薩克斯坦 在 5 。 九月 2017 在 10。 九月1996.

The Little Stranger 2018 澳門 線上看小鴨

The Little Stranger 2018 澳門 線上看小鴨

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The Little Stranger 2018 澳門 線上看小鴨


The Little Stranger (电影 2018)


113 片刻




AAF 1080


Mystery, Drama, Horror, Fantasy




Nathaly, Sana B. Berna, Aysia C. Baur

剧组 - The Little Stranger 2018 澳門 線上看小鴨

In a dusty post-war summer in rural Warwickshire, a doctor is called to a patient at lonely Hundreds Hall. Home to the Ayres family for over two centuries, the Georgian house is now in decline. But are the Ayreses haunted by something more sinister than a dying way of life?
You serious _The Little Stranger_? That's what you're giving me?

_Final rating:★½: - Boring/disappointing. Avoid where possible._
_**An "atmospheric character drama" without any atmosphere, and precious little drama**_

> _The subliminal mind has many dark, unhappy corners, after all. Imagine something loosening itself from one of those corners. Let's call it a - a germ. And let's say conditions prove right for that germ to develop - to grow, like a child in the womb. What would this little stranger grow into? A sort of shadow-self, perhaps: a Caliban, a Mr Hyde. A creature motivated by all the nasty impulses and hungers the conscious mind had hoped to keep hidden away: things like envy and malice and frustration._

- Sarah Waters; _The Little Stranger_ (2009)

I remember when I first saw Paul Thomas Anderson's _Inherent Vice_ (which I loved) in 2014, a colleague of mine (who hated it) was unable to grasp why I had enjoyed it so much. I tried to explain that if he had read Thomas Pynchon's 2009 novel, he'd have appreciated the film a lot more, to which he posited, "_one shouldn't have to read the book in order to appreciate the film._" I think I mumbled something about him being a philistine, and may have thrown some rocks at him at that point. So imagine my chagrin when I watched the decidedly underwhelming _The Little Stranger_, a huge box office bomb ($417,000 gross in its opening weekend in the US), and easily the weakest film in director Lenny Abrahamson's thus far impressive _oeuvre_. You see, I really disliked it, but the few people I know who have read Sarah Waters's 2009 novel (which I have not), have universally loved it, telling me I would have liked it a lot more if I was familiar with the source material. To them, I can say only this – "_one shouldn't have to read the book in order to appreciate the film._" It seems my colleague was right after all. I hate that.

The film is set in Warwickshire, a West Midlands county in England, in 1948, where Dr. Faraday (Domhnall Gleeson) is a country physician whose life is going nowhere fast. Born into humble beginnings, ever since he was a child, he has wanted to be a member of the gentry. In 1919, he attended a fête at the opulent Hundreds Hall estate, owned by the aristocratic Ayers family, where his mother worked as a maid, and ever since he has been quietly obsessed with the house. However, by 1948, Hundreds has lost its lustre, is in a state of disrepair, and is now home to only four people – Angela Ayers (Charlotte Rampling), matriarch of the Ayers dynasty, and who never recovered from the death of her eight-year-old daughter, Susan, many years previously; Caroline (Ruth Wilson), her daughter; Roderick (Will Poulter), Angela's son, a badly-burned former RAF pilot suffering from PTSD; and Betty (Liv Hill), the maid. When Betty takes ill, Faraday is summoned, almost immediately learning that the family is in a dire state, with Angela unable to balance their diminished financial situation with the social responsibility of maintaining the estate. Betty also intimates to Faraday that "something" is not right in the house. Offering to treat Roderick's painful burns, Faraday soon ingratiates himself into the family, and becomes a semi-permanent presence in Hundreds. However, that's when things start to go wrong; a child is mauled by a previously passive dog, a mysterious fire guts the library, and noises can be heard throughout the house. As Caroline determines to leave, Faraday attempts to convince everyone there is nothing supernatural happening. Nevertheless, Angela is certain the spirit of Susan is with them; Caroline believes it all has something to do with Roderick's deep unhappiness; Roderick asserts it is something that wants to drive him mad and deprive him of his birthright; and Betty believes it is the malevolent spirit of a former domestic servant. Meanwhile, Faraday and Caroline become romantically involved.

As mentioned above, I haven't read the novel, so most of the proceeding comments are in relation to the film only. Aspiring to blend elements of "big house"-based mystery narratives such as Charlotte Brönte's _Jane Eyre_ (1847), Charles Dickens's _Great Expectations_ (1861), and Daphne du Maurier's _Rebecca_ (1938), with more gothic-infused ghost stories such as Edgar Allan Poe's "The Fall of the House of Usher" (1839), Henry James's _The Turn of the Screw_ (1898), and Shirley Jackson's _The Haunting of Hill House_ (1959), _The Little Stranger_ is not especially interested in the supernatural aspects of the story _per se_. In this sense, Abrahamson and screenwriter Lucinda Coxon have, to a certain extent, created an anti-ghost story which eschews virtually every trope of the genre. More a chamber drama than anything else, the film has been done absolutely no favours whatsoever by its trailer, which emphasises the haunted house elements and encroaching psychological dread (the fact that the film was pushed back from intended release dates several times suggest the studio themselves didn't know quite what they had on their hands). Indeed, to even mention the supernatural elements at all is essentially to give away the last 20 minutes of the film, as this is where 90% of them are contained.

Waters herself has stated she does not consider the novel a ghost story. Instead, she was primarily interested in the rise of socialism in England, the landslide Labour victory in the 1945 general election, and how the now fading nobility was dealing with the decline in their power, influence, and financial opulence;

> _I didn't set out to write a haunted house novel. I wanted to write about what happened to class in that post-war setting. It was a time of turmoil in exciting ways. Working class people had come out of the war with higher expectations. They had voted in the Labour government. They wanted change. So it was a culture in a state of change. But obviously, for some people, it was a change for the worse._

With this in mind, the main theme of the film is Faraday's attempts to ingratiate himself with the Ayers family, to transform himself into a fully-fledged blue blood, even when doing so goes against his medical training; his commitment to his own upward mobility is far stronger than his commitment to the Hippocratic Oath. He is immediately dismissive of the possibility of any supernatural agency in the house, and, far more morally repugnant, he does everything he can to convince those who believe the house is haunted that they are losing their minds, that the stress of what has happened to the family has pushed them to the point of a nervous breakdown. He's also something of a passive-aggressive misogynist, telling Caroline, "_you have it your way – for now_", and "_Darling, you're confused_". For all intents and purposes, Faraday is the villain of the piece, which is, in and of itself, an interesting spin on a well-trodden narrative path.

However, for me, virtually nothing about the film worked. Yes, it has been horribly advertised, and yes, it is more interested in playing with our notions of what a ghost story can be, subverting and outright rebelling against the tropes of the genre. I understand what Abrahamson was trying to do (after all, my all-time favourite horror movie, Daniel Myrick and Eduardo Sánchez's _The Blair Witch Project_ (1999) is all about psychologically disturbing the audience, with not a jump scare in sight), however, so too does _The Little Stranger_ shun the standard alternative to jump scares – creeping existential dread – and as a result, it remains all very subtle, and all very, very boring – the non-supernatural parts of the story give us nothing we haven't seen before, and the supernatural parts simply fall flat (the "twist" at the end is also incredibly predictable).

One of the main issues for me is Faraday's emotional detachment. I get that he's the ostensible villain, so we're not meant to empathise with him, and, as an unreliable narrator, his very role is to objectively undermine the subjective realism of the piece, and disrupt the smooth path of the narrative transmission (the same role performed by the Second Mrs. de Winter in _Rebecca_). However, Gleeson/Faraday practically sleepwalks his way through the entire film, getting excited or upset about (almost) nothing; on a stroll through the estate with Caroline, she apologises for dragging him out into the cold, and he replies, "_Not at all. I'm enjoying myself very much_", in the most dead-tone unenthusiastic voice you could possibly imagine, sounding more like he is having his testicles sandpapered (this part also elicited the film's only laugh at the screening I attended). So I know detachment is precisely the point, but, firstly, we've seen Gleeson play this exact same character before – all brittle, buttoned-down intellectualism – and secondly, he comes across as more robotic than detached, and after twenty minutes, I was thoroughly bored of him, and just stopped caring. Indeed, all of the characters are somewhat buttoned down, but Rampling, Wilson, and Poulter all give more nuanced performances than Gleeson.

Partly because of this, and partly because of Coxon's repetitive script, the film is just insanely and unrelentingly dull. Now, I don't mind films in which nothing dramatic happens (Chloé Zhao's _The Rider_ (2017), which barely has a plot, is one of my films of the year), but in _The Little Stranger_ nothing whatsoever happens at all, dramatic or otherwise. By way of comparison, check out Oz Perkin's _I Am the Pretty Thing that Lives in the House_ (2016), a similarly themed film which shuns jump scares but whose encroaching sense of dread creates a potently eldritch tone, something sorely lacking in _The Little Stranger_. Instead, the script just goes round and round, through the motions; "_this house is haunted_" – "_no, you're just tired_" – "_you're probably right_" – "_I am, have a lie down_" – "_okay. Wait, this house is haunted_" – "_no, you're just tired_", etc.; wash, rinse, repeat. The pacing is absolutely torturous, and I certainly envy anyone who was able to get more out of the narrative than the opportunity to take a nap.

One thing I will praise unreservedly is the sound design. Foregrounded multiple times, this aspect of the film often becomes more important than the visuals. For example, sound edits often bridge picture edits in both directions (L Cuts and J Cuts). Similarly, we repeatedly experience the sound of one scene carrying over into the image of another well beyond the edit itself, so much so that it becomes a motif, suggesting a distortion of reality. Just prior to the dog attack, the sound becomes echo-like and the picture starts to move in and out of focus, as the camera shows Faraday in a BCU, suggesting he is becoming unglued from his environment. This also happens later on with Roderick, just prior to the fire. Perhaps the most interesting scene from an aural perspective is the scene in the nursery near the end of the film. As Angela examines the room, the distorted and difficult to identify sound becomes unrelenting (it is easily the loudest scene in the film). However, as the other characters run through the house towards the noise, all sound is pulled out almost entirely, with only the barest hint of footfalls detectable. This is extremely jarring and extremely effective, working to emphasise the dread all of the characters are by now feeling.

However, beyond that, this just did nothing for me; there was nothing I could get my teeth into, I didn't care about any of the characters beyond the first half hour, the social commentary was insipid and said nothing of interest, the supernatural aspects are so underplayed as to be virtually invisible, and, most unforgivably, the film is terminally boring. Maybe if I'd read the book…


協調美術系 : Pagan Pointer

特技協調員 : Delorme Leonda
Skript Aufteilung :Maree Raja

附圖片 : Trace Amoux
Co-Produzent : Saniyah April

執行製片人 : Ullman Bella

監督藝術總監 : Bethen Amou

產生 : Melania Emmett
Hersteller : Tierney Miah

竞赛者 : Bibiana Mitko

Film kurz

花費 : $990,454,759

收入 : $073,041,092

分類 : 間諜活動 - 宗教, 反派 - 宇宙, 音樂學 - 未分類

生產國 : 阿根廷

生產 : Nikkatsu

The Little Stranger 2018 澳門 線上看小鴨

《2018電影》The Little Stranger 完整電影在線免費, The Little Stranger[2018,HD]線上看, The Little Stranger20180p完整的電影在線, The Little Stranger∼【2018.HD.BD】. The Little Stranger2018-HD完整版本, The Little Stranger('2018)完整版在線

The Little Stranger 埃斯特(數學)摘要-草圖 |電影院|長片由創意媒體和 Eflatun電影Boux Tapia aus dem Jahre 2020 mit André Aguilar und Omar Rheon in den major role, der in MTV Europe Group und im Miração Filmes 意 世界。 電影史是從 Hosanna Jimmy 製造並在 Annagram Productions 大會德國 在 12 。 十月 2005 在 28。 一月1981.

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